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Model of thoracic puncture guided by wearable ultrasound MW4A

time:2019-01-07      See:1091

l  The world's only wearable model with ultrasound-guided puncture can be evaluated in OSCE assessment or real clinical experience through real communication and interaction between doctors and simulated patients as well as the training of ultrasonic puncture

l  The model has real pneumothorax puncture function and pleural effusion drainage puncture function, which enables doctors to perform repeated operations through the model

l  It has an anatomical structure of the thorax and can touch the ribs

l  Have a real sense of puncture frustration

l  Real ultrasonic diagnostic equipment and probe operation method

l  Methods of cardiac ultrasound and thoracic ultrasound scanning

l  The anatomical basis of thoracocentesis

l  Ultrasound-guided pneumothorax decompression and pleural effusion puncture

l  Customized SP for OSCE assessment

l  Drainage or other drainage after puncture can be achieved